Selwyn Sounds came alive at Lincoln Event Centre and welcomed 6,000 attendees, kitted out with camp chairs and picnic blankets to enjoy an incredible day of music with a vibrant and fun, yet relaxed atmosphere! 

The epic lineup included Gin Wigmore, Sir Dave Dobbyn and the Hoodoo Gurus.  Closed Loop partnered with Selwyn Sounds for the third year, to provide sustainable waste management services for the 1-day concert. 

Our impact

Boosting repurposing rates

Throughout the 2023 event, the Closed Loop team hand-sorted 47.3m³ of waste and achieved a diversion rate of 72.5% from landfill – this means 72.5% of all waste collected at this event was either recycled, repurposed or composted. Our team carefully improved our processes which enabled an incredible 24.4% increase in landfill diversion when compared to the previous event, in 2021.  


Repurposing rates YoY



Year Waste generated # of material streams Repurposing rate
2023 47.3m³ 6 72.5%
2021 54m³ 4 58.3%

*There was no event in 2022

Material streams

At Selwyn Sounds, Closed Loop sorted waste into different material streams.



Cardboard and paper waste were collected and recycled into new paper products and packaging locally.

Mixed recycling

Aluminium cans and rigid plastics were collected, bailed and sent to be recycled locally or overseas.

Mixed glass

Glass bottles were recycled into new glass products locally. 


Food waste was composted into compost for home and commercial use.

Soft plastics

Collected and recycled locally into saveBOARD, a low carbon building material or Future Posts, versatile fence posts.

More high repurposing rates

We proudly work with a range of events to create sustainable events.

Let's talk about your waste!

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